Levi’s ‘Wear Your Pride’ Campaign

This year the aim of the Levi’s® Pride collection was to bring awareness to, and educate others on the importance of pronouns. We asked a few individuals – Deni Todorovic, Kath Ebbs, Casey Conway, Steph Vassilopoulos and Bhenji Ra – to try out the collection and discuss with us the importance of affirming identity, acceptance and the simple things they hope for for the future.
Powerful quotes were chosen from the interviews and added to the images as handwriting, to highlight each person’s preferred pronoun and further speak to the themes of uniqueness and identity. The result was a confronting, impactful and liberating campaign that really resonated with our customers across onsite and social media platforms.

Client: The Iconic / Levi’s
Services: Design, Illustration, Animation


The Iconic Modern Slavery Statement


Virgin Australia Voyeur Magazine